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Hello! I am a professional logo designer from Kyiv, Ukraine. I am open for work and 1 to 1 projects! Looking forward to working with you!

Country: Ukraine. Member since: April 24, 2016
Contests won
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1-to-1 Projects
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Entry Level




"Andrey was absolutely creative and fast to respond. Always receptive to feedback and quickly adjusts. Thinks outside the box to create me an awesome logo and branding guide that doesn't blend in what is typically out there. A++ in my opinion. I have..."
Anonymous client reviewed about 1 year ago
"The designer Andrey.Kol has invested a lot of effort and time to implement our changes and wishes. In the end we are very happy with a smart design"
Anonymous client reviewed over 1 year ago
"Andrey did a great job and had a minimalist eye. If you are looking for something eye-catching but straightforward, he can definitely help you out. "
Anonymous client reviewed over 1 year ago
"Good understanding of the brief and relevant creation"
Anonymous client reviewed over 1 year ago
"Andrey was extremely creative, fast, and easy to work with. He was also very patient with our adjustment requests and did everything we asked for to get our brand just right. Definitely recommend working with him."
Anonymous client reviewed over 1 year ago