Our visual language reflects our values and our community. Simple, yet diverse. Understated and timeliness, yet bold and vibrant. Here are tips for when you’re representing our brand.
by green in blue
We’re 99designs. We’re not 99 Designs, or 99Designs or 99 designs. Just simply 99designs. You can do it!
The primary logo for the brand, our wordmark should sign off anything that we create.
The 99d logomark within a square serves as our avatar and useful when visual weight is required.
Usage and taglines
The wordmark and logomark should always be used independently of each other, but can be paired with a tagline for relevant contexts. Taglines and lockups should be sourced from these files and not constructed from scratch.
The 99designs uses an ’open white canvas’ as a methaphor that underpins the visual language of the brand—it’s crucial that whitespace is used liberally. A ’99’ spacer on all sides of wordmark and logomark is not the expectation, but the absolute minimum.
Either the tagline or the wordmark can color-matched to artwork, keeping the other half in Bleached As or Punt Road.
The tagline/logomark lockup should be used on the bottom right.
The tagline/wordmark lockup more suitable for horizontal constraints.
The tagline/logomark lockup more suitable for horizontal constraints.
Color palette
The 99designs color palette is as diverse as our community—it spans the spectrum.